Bits & Bytes: The IT Chronicles
Making The Most Of Cloud Computing: Managed Cloud Service Providers

If you are a small business, a startup, or even an SME, chances are that you have given cloud computing some thought. If you are one of those businesses that believe in staying ahead of the game, you might already be hosting on the cloud instead of using a physical data centre. Businesses around the world are now realizing the importance of cloud computing and the ease and agility it provides to any growing business. The question however lies, in what form of the cloud will suit your business. You have a public cloud, private cloud, and hybrid cloud (that’s a combination of the former two) and you have managed cloud service providers to help manage the complex cloud structure and help you with matters of scalability, performance, compliance and more.
Choosing between public and private cloud – Take the call
While most businesses feel comfortable using the public cloud, businesses operating in the domains of finance and healthcare often prefer the private cloud given the sensitive data that they handle. It sometimes makes sense for them to use hybrid cloud computing services. This allows them to use both private and public clouds based on their requirements. However, shifting workloads between two clouds and hosting applications on one while you store sensitive data on the other is not an easy task. This is where, you can use assistance from managed cloud service providers, as they are adept in handling migration, hosting, and providing support services which are a must for any company hosting on a third-party cloud.
For businesses who are already making it big in the market and would continue to maintain their position while beating the competition, cloud computing provides a great way of focusing on software rather than hardware, and bringing in the benefits of SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS that furthers adds agility and speed to their processes. For smaller businesses, it makes a lot of sense to start off with the cloud in the first place, as they are looking at huge growth, scalability, economies of scale, and reducing their Capex and go for a “Pay-as-you-Use” model that cloud computing totally supports.
Why you should go for Managed Cloud Service Providers?
Managed cloud service providers are yet another answer as to how to use the cloud optimally. They help you manage:
- cloud security
- storage
- computing
- application stacks
- network operations
- vendors and more.
In return, you pay a monthly fee to access their storage and support services. Some managed cloud service providers even have their own in-house team who can help build products and apps that are customized for your business. You pay for the app development and hosting on the cloud, which basically turns out to be one one-time Capex for app development and a monthly fee for hosting services.
G7 CR Technologies offers a unique service known as “Technology Funding” whereby, they invest their own know-how and expertise into developing a unique and customized app for your requirement. The app development itself is at zero cost, which means Zero Capex. All you need to pay is a minimal fee for hosting the app on the cloud. G7 CR Technologies is focusing on small and medium enterprises and startups to help enable and empower them on their growth path.
In short, cloud service providers help you ensure you are making the most of your cloud investment by providing you with 4 most important cloud computing factors: Performance, Scalability, Security, and Compliance.
- Frustrated with maintaining your data centre?
- Escalating cost of hardware and maintenance?
- Difficult transitions and migrations of products built on different platforms?
- Not able to access agile functions?
If you are facing any one or all of the above problems, then the time has come to look to Cloud Computing. G7 CR Technologies offers cost, resource, and workload optimization by providing managed cloud services at affordable prices, along with premier support, and its newest service in the cloud realm “Technology Funding”, whereby we build you a custom app for your business at ZERO COST. Contact us today to learn more about our cloud services and our Technology Funding program.
Call us at (+91) 90080666666 for Technology Funding
and at (+91) 80 4641 4200 for Cloud solutions.